We are pleased to share information on tryouts for the 2025-2026 Gold Ice teams!
Gold Ice is seeking motivated and passionate skaters to join our established and competitive Synchronized Skating Program and we are pleased to share tryout information for the 2025-2026 season.
Interested skaters are asked to please complete the tryout registration form and make payment below:
REGISTRATION FORM: https://forms.gle/JPXYFfk1J2M3ZeAw8
PAYMENT: https://goldice.uplifterinc.com/registration/
Skaters looking to attend more than one group of tryouts are asked to please look for the combined tryout registration fee when making payment.
Skaters are asked to dress in all black fitted attire with their hair in a bun.
Gold Ice will be hosting a series of intro-to-synchro skills sessions for skaters at the CanSkate Stage 5 level and higher later this spring. Please stay tuned for more information!
For more information on our Gold Ice teams and the upcoming season please feel free to contact us at info@goldice.ca.