

Agumjot, Alexandra, Avery, Emily, Gloria S, Grace, Katie H, Kaitlin, Kara, Kaylee, Kimberly, Lauren, Mackenzie, Maeching, Mariah, Renee, Rosabel, Stephanie & Tiana.

Ashley Greenhalgh – Coach
Jessica Brown – Coach
Andrea Clement – Coach
Jasmine Gagnon – Coach
Dayna Celion – Pilates
Maysie Poliziani – Strength & Conditioning
Charlotte Ramsahoye – Dance

THEME: Cruella

Novice teams are comprised of 12 to 16 skaters that may not have reached the age of 16 as of July 1st preceding the competition. The program is 3:30 minutes in length. Skaters should be working on their Star 6 assessments or higher.

2024-2025 Events:

  • Skate Ontario Synchro Series 1: Woodstock, Ontario

  • Skate Ontario Synchro Series 2: Baltimore, Ontario

  • Skate Ontario Synchro Series 3: Oakville, Ontario

  • Canada Cup: Waterloo, Ontario

2023-2024 Results:

  • St Hubert Invitational: 2nd

  • Skate Ontario Synchro Series 1: 4th

  • Skate Ontario Synchro Series 2: 4th

  • Skate Ontario Synchro Series 3: 3rd

  • Canadian Novice National Championships: 5th